The Lee Tour

-- an update by Eric Krieg

About three years ago, several PhACT members attended the final stop of Dennis Lee's travelling free energy tour in Philadelphia. By the time we posted a critical response on the Internet, Lee had already cashed hundreds of thousands of dollars in dealers' checks. Since then Eric's Web pages on Dennis have gotten tens of thousands of hits. Recently, when Lee put a full page ad in USA Today to kick off another 45 city tour, Eric's growing list of sympathizers had already started alerting local press in the tour cities.

The people volunteering to alert the press and to report on shows include: religious people upset by a new cult; a few patriots angered by fellow militia members being bankrupted, free energy and Tesla enthusiasts worried about their image being smeared, and of course a number of small local skeptics groups like ours. This time Lee's actions have gained the interest of the BBB, an engineering society and a few states' attorney generals. Eric has responded to questions from newspaper and television reporters from all over the country. 20/20, Good Morning America, and USA Today are among the national media considering doing stories.

A few people have even been going to Lee's shows and handing out printouts of Eric's pages. We expect to host a press conference for the Philadelphia show -- which is again the last show of the tour. Many agree the shows have an unintended comedy value. Send e-mail to Eric at eric@ to get an update list for attending this show.

"There was a tragic side to the story, tales of men of great ability who devoted their whole lives to seeking perpetual motion, who went mad as a result, who squandered fortunes only to die penniless, broken and unfulfilled men. Many faced such a sad anticlimax to their quest. Other men were more cunning than deceived in their ideals. They resorted to deception and some saw the quest for discovering perpetual motion as a means toward ill-gotten gains: today we would call them confidence tricksters."

-- Perpetual Motion Arthur Ord-Hume, 1977

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